Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Open for Business!

It's finally here!!  Ok, it really didn't take very long, I'm just impatient.  I hope the UPS guy didn't hear me whoopin' and hollerin' as I ran down the stairs. I'll be posting some of my stock under the product tab.  If you see something you'd like send me an email, and remember it's only $5.50 with tax, plus shipping.  I'll take the picture down if an item is no longer in stock.   If you'd rather have your own party and earn free items, or if you are in Salt Lake/Utah County and would like a personal shopping appointment, I'd be more than happy to assist you.

Here are a few pictures of all the fun things I found when I opened my shipment (just click on "read more" below).  Enjoy!

Look what was in my Paparazzi box when I opened it!  I knew their stuff was cute, but not THIS cute!

He came with some pretty feathered headbands...

and he's not afraid to wear pink.

All the glorious contents of my shipment!  My daughters and I had so much fun going through all of it.  They've staked a claim on a lot of things and are scrambling for chores to try and earn their favorites.

Flower Clips...for big girls and little girls.  I'm crushing on these, they're so pretty!  I can't wait to stick a huge one on my purse...a bright one on my coat..that red and black polka dot one on my red and silver necklace...they're going EVERYWHERE!

Pretty headbands with feathers and flowers and sparkles and lace.  Yum. 



Summer's coming!  Get out the red,white and blue!


Feather earrings!  So trendy.  Think I could talk Steven Tyler into some that match the ones in his hair??

Oh yeah.  Shinies.

One for every finger!

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